
5 Advanced PHP Tips to Improve Your Programming
Published September 26,2016 by Tvisha

5 Advanced PHP Tips to Improve Your Programming

PHP is the server side scripting language which is generally used for web development. Originated in the year 1994, PHP has done a phenomenal job in the technology based world. Rasmus Lerdorf is the one who has invented this language and made the whole work of web development too easy for the developers.

Knowing the fact that PHP is highly popular in the technology market, we are introducing some of the useful tips for PHP developers to improve their programming skills.

Tips for PHP Developers to Improve Programming Skills

Let’s see the 5 advanced PHP tips for the developers to improve their programming skills –

I. Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is the Basic Requirement

OOP is the basic requirement of PHP that every developer should know. PHP follows object oriented programming and hence objects and classes link things together for developing a program. Using OOP methods, you can skip the repetition of code and can perform the code in a much simpler way. Objects are defined under the classes and then you can reuse this function over and over in the whole programming. OOP is quicker, easy to debug, and utilizes lesser server resources, less code and faster loading process to avoid long procedures. Going with OOP, you can make your coding style more effective and simpler.

II. Inbuilt Functions of PHP are Highly Usable

PHP language is so easy to learn and adaptable for a developer to develop the best websites. Using the inbuilt functions of PHP, you will get the hidden benefits which are very useful throughout the coding process. If you are doing a custom PHP development or web development, the need of arrays and functions is very important. For example, if you want to count the numbers then you can use count() and like that PHP has a number of built in functions that are highly useful for making the coding process easy and speedy.

III. Keep the Database Secure

The first step before you start your any PHP project, you should use mysl_real_escape_string() for all the database. Doing this, you will keep all the strings secured from any type of unwanted threats that may have some malicious code. This should be your first step to protect your database. The other important thing is that never use $_REQUEST – rather,  go with POST or GET strings for submitting the data into the database query.

IV. Always Use POST and Never GET

A good programmer always knows the difference between these two. Get method shows the address in the URL and gives simpler ways for the hacker to completely hack your whole project. Going with POST, you can face a safe journey throughout your coding and development process.

V. Make a Replica Before Going for CODE

Before you walk on the real platform, just stop for few minutes and make a rough sketch of your whole coding. This will give you better understanding and will clear your thoughts for developing the website. Also, you will find out the major problems that you will face in the future journey of the coding. So take few minutes and do some practice for getting the best product.

A PHP Development company has a full sense of making different software and websites to cater to the needs of their clients.  Coders are working really hard each day to match with the user requirements and doing their best to deliver some unexceptional technology concepts on the floor. PHP programmers should keep themselves updated with each updations of the PHP language. This will provide them the best ways to code and deliver the best website.


A programmer should be up to date with the latest changes that occur in the technology based world. Having a deep knowledge of the PHP language will help the coders to code in a clean and clear ways.

PHP Tips to Improve Your Programming
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