
5 Things to Consider During eCommerce Website Development
Published September 11,2018 by Tvisha

5 Things to Consider During eCommerce Website Development

Selecting an eCommerce Website Development company is as same as selecting an attire for you. It complements what you are. So, you gotta be attentive and wise. Read on to know the things you need to consider during website development.

Two minutes of silence for all the items we have added to our cart since “Stranger Things” but never bought. We have all been there and done that.

There has never been a better time to think about an e-commerce business. We all love shopping. Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply did not know where to shop.

Ever wondered why people are more inclined to online shopping, mobiles, and the internet? It is because of the ease and comfort they bring in. The downfall of mobile phone and internet prices has propelled the e-commerce industry to grow at an unprecedented rate.

Bill Gates was not kidding when he said, “If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of the business.” According to Statista, more than 60% of people spend money on online shopping which has raised the bars for businesses to invest in eCommerce Website Development.

As the end users will be coming to the site to learn more about your business, products, or services, the entire process has to be easy and intuitive.

Factors to Keep in Mind When Developing an eCommerce Website

Here are a few aspects you need to consider to generate more sales:

1. Design Should Line Up with your Strategy

While speaking of e-commerce, we often assume that it is between a supplier and a client. However, there are a total of six basic types of e-commerce with different characteristics. It includes business-to-business or business-to-consumer and many more.

A lot of you do not have a plan to create something on a fluke. Something in you triggered to invest months of your time to come up with ideas that could be an industrial revolution. And that is why you have to be cautious while selecting an eCommerce development company that meets your ideas. Decent design and friendly interface are a combination of aesthetics and usability.

“Design in the absence of content is not design, it is a decoration.”

One way is to monitor the associated company portfolio section. Analyze if they have designs that sing along with your rhythm. The company should replicate the exact process you have in your mind. They should have a strong experience in layout, typography, color scheme, and how all these elements optimize the user’s experience.

As a matter of fact, over one-fourth of ecommerce sales are being done via mobile. It is incredibly important to ensure that the application is optimized for mobile providing the best experience for users irrespective of the device they are accessing through.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization plays a paramount role in increasing sales and be better among your competitors. Statistics show that 30 percent of visitors use search engines to find the products they are looking for.

“The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of Google search results.”

91% of searchers do not go past page 1 of the search results. Make sure the search functionality is seamless. Autocomplete feature could be a cherry on the cake as this makes the searches limited for users thereby giving comfort at the same time.

For instance, if people are searching for sneakers in X (your site), the results should be of sneakers, not loafers or something else. In order to make sure that the search engines results in the appropriate results, robust optimization needs to be done. The product information should be fully defined and well-organized including department, price range, size, company, manufacturer etcetera.

Think of SEO as the magic key that unlocks the door to increased website traffic. By optimizing your website for search engines, you improve your chances of appearing on the first page of search results for relevant keywords. This translates to more potential customers discovering your amazing products.

  • Keyword Magic: Imagine the words your ideal customers use to search for products like yours. Identifying these "keywords" is key. Strategically sprinkle them throughout your website content, from product descriptions to titles.
  • Speed Matters: A slow website frustrates visitors and search engines alike. Invest in reliable hosting and optimize images to ensure a lightning-fast loading experience.
  • Mobile-First: In today's mobile world, a responsive website is a must. This means your website seamlessly adapts to any device, offering a user-friendly experience for on-the-go shoppers.
  • Content is King: Go beyond just product listings. Create informative blog posts about industry trends, product tutorials, or customer stories. This valuable content establishes you as an authority and naturally attracts organic traffic.
  • Building Trust: Earn valuable backlinks from reputable websites in your niche. These act like online recommendations, boosting your website's ranking in search results.

3. Security

While the web is full of jargon you might have heard the term “SSL” and how critical it is for your business survival in the digital world. No, no. It is not the Spanish Soccer League. All eCommerce web developers should integrate SSL in order to encrypt all the information which is meant to be secure. They have decided to purchase your product. Now the ball is in your court to secure their card information.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and a few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.” – Stephane Nappo

Allow users to pay with PhonePe or Google Pay along with a Master or Visa card. Customers love online transactions as they come with coupons, cutoffs, and cashback. The compliance of Payment Card Industry (PCI) is yet another vital element to be considered while accepting digital payments. As per Deloitte's survey, it is known that 40% of successful e-commerce websites comply with PCI standards.

4. Marketing Strategy for eCommerce Website Development

Once you are done with your website development you should certainly market your product. With the unfolding of current technologies and predominance of Internet marketing, every business is trying to match up with the pace. Whenever the website has gone live you should bring your customers closer to it.

“Google only loves you when everyone else loves you first”

With a reliable marketing agency, your site would be marketed in a way that reaches the end audience. Digital marketing levels all kinds of businesses and audiences as the availability to engage with multiple customers is being done without cold calling or announcements. With a reliable marketing agency, your business is likely to meet the pinnacle with low cost.

5. Support Guest Checkouts

Imagine a customer browsing your website, excited about a product, but then deterred by a lengthy sign-up process. Guest checkout eliminates this hurdle, allowing customers to purchase without creating an account. This convenience can significantly boost sales, especially for first-time visitors.

It has been a common practice for eCommerce sites to ask the users to register or create an account first before making a purchase. Even though this makes the process easier to follow-up with them for sales analysis or promotions, it is not something users are expected to do every time. As our online activities are increasing, so does the number of online accounts on our names. No one wants to sign up for yet another account unless there is a benefit to doing so.

The customers even go to great lengths to avoid signing in to buy a product or completely abandoning their cart in favor of a different store. No kidding. Do not let this hurt your store. Guest Checkout is not a thing for every store. With a fine-tooth comb, decide whether your business would need to fall under this umbrella. Shoppers adore it as they get straight into payment forms without any registration.

Feel free to drop any questions you have in the comments. We swear we answer them by the old gods and the new!

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